Whitnall High School Mission
By providing the highest quality personalized educational experience, Whitnall High School engages learners who embrace the challenges and are responsible contributing members of a dynamic global society.
Whitnall High School Vision
Whitnall High School is a professional learning community, a culture of collaboration focused on student achievement results, where ALL students learn.
Charles Tollefsen, Principal, 414.525.8503 | ctollefsen@whitnall.com
Cynthia Collins, Assistant Principal, 414.525.8502 | ccollins@whitnall.com
Mark Matenaer, Dean of Students, 414.525.8505 | mmatenaer@whitnall.com
Megan Harris, Activities/Athletics Director, 414.525.8504 | mharris@whitnall.com
Main Office Number: 414.525.8500
Attendance Number: 414.525.8510
Fax number: 414.525.8501